Blog Categories /

Animal Rescue Marketing's website is organized by the categories Fundraising, Blogging, Social Media, SEO, graphic design, videos, and Marketing. Find resources and Marie's own strategies to use marketing to increase adoptions, donations and visibility. Together, we'll save more animals!

articles are organized by the following categories.
click on a category below to see the list of related articles.

click to read advice on fundraising

click to read advice on fundraising

read our blog articles about fundraising and asking for donations.

click to read advice on blogging

click to read advice on blogging

read our articles about blogging, including advice on content, scheduling, and planning.

click to read advice on social media strategies

click to read advice on social media strategies

read articles about best social media practices using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social networks.

click to read advice on SEO

click to read advice on SEO

read articles about search engine optimization (seo) and how to ensure search engines work for you.
click to read advice about marketing

click to read advice about marketing

read articles about marketing, both traditional, print, as well as digital/online methods.

click to watch examples of great videos

click to watch examples of great videos

watch videos we've collected that are great examples of effective communication.

click to read advice on graphic design

click to read advice on graphic design

get advice on how to create and use graphic design effectively for your advertising and marketing initiatives.

click to see examples of great marketing

click to see examples of great marketing

we've collected our favorite examples of great marketing campaigns and ideas to inspire and hopefully give you ideas you can use now.