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Marketing for animal rescue advocates: SEO, Social Media, Fundraising  & Blogging Tips To Save Lives. Marie Macaspac is the ARM's founder. She is also the Marketing Director for Muttville Senior Dog Rescue in San Francisco, CA. ARM is a  resource to help other rescues learn the value of marketing to increase adoptions, donations and visibility. Together, we'll save more animals!

Watch Marie in Action for Muttville Senior Dog Rescue

Canine Massage Therapist Shelah Barr owns Happy Hounds Massage. She was wonderfully profiled for a special AT&T promotion that showcased her volunteer work with senior dogs at Muttville Senior Dog Rescue, and how being mobile with technology helps in her daily professional life.​

As part of the promotion, a video was produced, and Shelah was filmed at Muttville headquarters, along with co-stars: Muttville dogs Leah, Sugar Ray, and Colby,  Muttville Board President Deirdre Kidder, Executive Director/Founder Sherri Franklin, volunteer Jeremiah Herman, and Marketing Director Marie Macaspac.

The video is a really great showcase of Muttville's passion for our senior dog cause -  happy dogs with a "home" as they await forever homes,  enthusiastic volunteers bringing joy and love, and a warm inviting space that welcomes all who love animals.

Click here to go to article on AT&T's website.

Social Media Cheat Sheet for Photo & Video Sizes for Facebook + others!

What's the ideal size for a cover photo on Facebook? Or a status post? Or images on Pinterest, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn? How about videos on YouTube?

Well, thanks to Lunametrics​, here is a handy "ultimate complete final" social media cheat sheet! It is true that these social media platforms will change their interfaces at some point, but not to worry! Refer back to our blog article, it will be updated as needed.


The Ultimate Complete Final Social Media Sizing Cheat Sheet LunaMetrics
Brought to you by the LunaMetrics blog.